When and Why You Might Need a Family Lawyer

A family lawyer is a person you hire to solve legal family disputes that arise. Disputes can lead to separation or divorce, which can cause more problems, especially when there are property settlement and child custody issues. Here's what you need to know about family lawyers. Consider The Easiest Solution First If you and your spouse both want a divorce, it would be better if you tried to have a peaceful divorce to avoid going through the tedious and expensive court trial process. [Read More]

Ways Family Lawyers Offer Much More Than Dissolution of Marriages

For a good number of people, family law entails the dissolving of marriages. Family lawyers are highly skilled in the navigation of the various complications that come up during a divorce and can be of great help when you want to leave your spouse. Nonetheless, this is not the only way that a family lawyer can be of assistance to you. In fact, what some people do not realise is that they could use the services of a family lawyer prior to or in the middle of the marriage rather than just when they want to leave it. [Read More]

How To Tell If A Bequeathed Property Is Owned By Tenants In Common

If you are acting as executor on someone's will and they owned property, you'll need to know more about its ownership. Many people change home ownership from joint tenancy to 'tenants in common' in order to protect their children's future inheritance. But how can you tell if a property is owned by joint tenants or tenants in common? Check pertinent documents The first thing to do is to check any historical documents that exist from the date the property was purchased by the deceased. [Read More]

Stalked By An Ex - What Can You Do?

Stalking is a crime that is often regarded as not particularly serious, yet it can be just as devastating for the victim as a crime of physical violence.  Many stalkers are also ex-spouses of the victim, making the situation even more distressing and complicated. But what is stalking and how could a family law solicitor help you? What is stalking? In the eyes of the law, stalking can involve many different types of behaviour, including: [Read More]